VIN: JDJ23754H011 | Auction: IAAI
Auction Name | Date | Final Bid |
IAAI | 2025-02-10 | If Bid for $18,750 |
Stock number | 40494993 |
Vin | JDJ23754H011 |
Selling branch | Clearwater (FL) |
Primary damage | Flood |
Secondary damage | N/A |
Odometer | N/A |
Engine | Unknown |
Transmission | N/A |
Drive line type | N/A |
Cylinders | N/A |
Start code | N/A |
Title | VESSEL (Florida) |
Key present | Present |
Auction name | IAAI |
Auction date | Mon Feb 10, 2025, 08:30AM (CST) |
Year | 2011 |
Fuel type | N/A |
Restraint system | N/A |
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